Charter School FAQs

The following are answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding charter schools and what they mean for students, educators, schools and communities. The answers to these FAQs are intended to provide only an introductory overview of key issues. Links are provided to take you to areas with additional information.

Authorized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Education Reform Act of 1993, charter schools are independent public schools that operate under five year charters granted by the Commonwealth’s Board of Education. Charter schools are usually proposed by teachers, school leaders, parents, non-profit organizations, or other members of the community.

Charter schools are tuition free schools of choice. They are funded by tuition charges assessed against the school districts where the students reside. The state provides partial reimbursement to the sending districts for the tuition costs incurred.

Just like other public schools, charter schools are public schools of choice that report directly to the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. However, they are exempt from many local and state regulations that apply to traditional public schools. These exemptions give parents, teachers, community leaders, and educational entrepreneurs greater flexibility to innovate, create, and offer students more educational options. Charter schools must be sponsored by designated local, state, or other organizations responsible for monitoring their quality and integrity while ensuring accountability for academic performance and fiscal practices.

Enrollment is open to children of the Commonwealth with priority given to children who reside in Fall River. Proof of residency shall include any one of the following: a valid driver’s license or a voter registration card and a current utility bill or rent receipt. All applications must have a valid Massachusetts address listed as their permanent residence, and to which all communication will be mailed, to be eligible for the lottery.

You can submit an application for Kindergarten through 11th grade starting on the first business day of October. The application period closes on the first business day of February. The enrollment lottery takes place on March 6th (but no later than March 15th each year).

For Kindergarten eligibility, applicants must be five years old by September 1 of the upcoming school year. For Grades 1-11, applicants must already be enrolled in another school.

Sibling preference is given to applicants who have a brother or sister currently attending Atlantis Charter School, as defined by the Department of Education.

While the School does not administer examinations for entrance, students are assessed after enrollment as a diagnostic tool to benefit teachers and prepare them to help new students access the curriculum.

Atlantis Charter School does provide school buses for grades K – 6. There are also two SRTA buses that stop on campus for drop off and pick up (once before, and once at dismissal).

Yes. Please see the student handbook for details.