Press Release For Immediate Release: January 2017

Atlantis Charter School Accepted as Candidate for NEASC Accreditation. School would be one of only three charter schools statewide with accreditation.

Fall River, MA, January 2017 – Atlantis Charter School announced this month that it has been accepted as a candidate for accreditation through the New England Association of School and Colleges (NEASC).
According to its website, NEASC is “an independent, voluntary, nonprofit membership organization which connects and serves over 2,000 public and independent schools, technical/career institutions, colleges and universities in New England plus International Schools in more than 65 nations worldwide. A globally recognized standard of excellence, NEASC Accreditation attests to a school’s high quality and integrity.”

Charter schools are not required to apply for such accreditation, and many charter schools offer successful, college preparatory programs without such accreditation. In fact, out of 78 charter schools in the Commonwealth, Atlantis would become only the third to hold an active accreditation, and yet the school immediately began the process towards its NEASC candidacy upon the opening of its high school program.

“We believed that we already met many of the criteria required for NEASC accreditation, and we believe that achieving this accreditation will be an added and yet well-deserved benefit to the students and families we serve,” said Robert Beatty, Executive Director. “Though charter schools are not required to be accredited, colleges and universities that see our membership in NEASC will immediately understand the high educational standards met by our students.” Atlantis is currently conducting the “self-study” phase of their candidacy, which will be followed by an evaluative visit in December of 2017. The school anticipates receiving its accreditation by Spring of 2018.