STEM Students Design and Sell Custom 3D-Printed Products at Tritons Print Shop 

There is more than just food to buy at lunch these days at Atlantis Charter School. The Upper School cafeteria is now home to the Tritons’ Print Shop. Students in the STEM Academy are busy creating an assortment of custom-designed 3D printed items to sell to students and staff.

STEM Academy instructor Jared Booker came up with the idea to build enthusiasm for the program.

“We want to get students excited about the class,” said Jared Booker. “In the past, we used our 3D printers to print pipe fittings. It was educational, but not necessarily exciting, so we decided to try something new.”

Students got right to work, creating custom hall passes for teachers. They’ve since branched out to create school spirit items such as Atlantis-branded keychains, tridents, and fidget spinners. They have about a dozen items for sale, some of which they designed themselves and some items are created using free licensed designs. Students can also take custom orders which take about a week to turn around.

So far, the response from students and staff has been great.

“It’s a good feeling knowing that people like what we’re selling,” said John Gomes, STEM Academy senior. “I’m seriously considering a career in manufacturing based on this experience.” 

“For me, this has been a lot of fun,” said Miguel Mendoza, a junior in the STEM Academy. “We put a lot of time and effort into this project, and seeing results motivates us to keep going.”

Items range from $2 to $10 depending on size. Money raised will go right back into the program to cover costs for new 3D printing filament, keychain loops, lanyards, and other items.

Students in other Career Academies are also involved in the print shop. Business students are working on market research, marketing, and promotion. Art students are creating logos and branding for the project.

“The Tritons’ Print Shop is a great way for Career Academy students to practice entrepreneurship and take ownership of their class and curriculum,” said Robert Perry, Director of the Atlantis Career Academies. “We hope the shop will become a mainstay of the school.”

Perry and Booker hope the shop will also help to recruit younger kids into the STEM and Business Academies.

“The middle schoolers have expressed great interest in the shop,” Booker explained. “They’re always the first ones at the sales table during lunch. We hope their interest in STEM will continue to grow and perhaps they will enter the STEM Academy in high school.”

Tritons Print Shop In the News

The print shop has received some attention in the media. Check out the following links!