Atlantis Charter School’s mission is to provide an education that is second to none. The cornerstone of that mission is our commitment to provide all children—with or without disabilities—access to a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE).

State and federal law mandates that special education services are provided where a thorough evaluation process has identified that a child has a disability. Approximately 14% of our current student population is identified as requiring special education services. We provide the supports that each student requires to meet the academic, behavioral, and social expectations at Atlantis. We offer a full complement of highly qualified and experienced special education teachers and paraprofessionals, a speech language pathologist, an occupational therapist, school adjustment counselors and a school psychologist. We work collaboratively with outside agencies to provide additional supports for students to meet their individual needs. In addition, many of our classrooms benefit from a co-teaching partnership that pairs a regular-education teacher with a special education teacher. Our goal is to provide services that yield academic excellence, life-long learning and problem-solving skills so that every child reaches his or her potential.

Key Components to a Successful Special Education Program

The foundation of a successful special education program is a strong partnership between parents/guardians, students and staff. At Atlantis, we pride ourselves on forging those partnerships with each and every family through multiple levels of communication that are supported by staff, administration, our Special Education Parent’s Advisory Council and our Family Learning Center.

Our Pledge

Our most recent Tiered Focus Monitoring through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education illustrates Atlantis’s stellar achievement in upholding compliance with all regulatory requirements in Special Education. Our proudest achievement, and our pledge, is to uphold all rights and regulations while always embodying the true spirit of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act for every child who steps through our door.

The Atlantis Charter School Special Education Process and Procedure Manual was
created to ensure accuracy and consistency of special education practices across
the district. All information contained in this manual reflects the provision of special
education and related services according to 603 CMR 28.00.


MassPAC is a project of the Federation which supports SEPACs –

both volunteer parent leaders and school district administrators to build effective parent-school partnerships to support family engagement.

Join MassPAC network today – current MassPAC Member Listing.

MassPAC Website

What is a SEPAC?

A SEPAC is a Special Education Parent Advisory Council. Every public school district in Massachusetts is required to establish a SEPAC.

Massachusetts state law assigns both an advisory and participatory function to SEPACs. Membership is offered to all parents of children with disabilities and other interested parties.

MA State Law & Regulations regarding the Role of the SEPAC

Special Education Parent Advocacy Committee

What We Do
• Advise the district on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities
• Meet with school officials to participate in the planning, development and evaluation of special education programs
• Provide informational forums to parents, educators, students and professionals
• Promote communication and programs within the community that encourage understanding, acceptance and inclusion of all children