Atlantis Charter School Receives $71,000 Technology Grant from Baker-Polito Administration

Atlantis Charter School recently received a technology grant totaling $71,401 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to reimburse expenditures from the recent purchase of 1,400 new Chromebook laptops and tablets. Atlantis is among 253 school districts across the state that received $32.9 million in in Remote Learning Technology Essentials grants from the Baker-Polito Administration.

“We thank Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito for this grant which allowed us to reallocate available funds to other areas to prepare for a return to teaching and learning this fall,” said Robert Beatty, executive director of Atlantis Charter School. “Over the summer, we continued to develop a robust remote learning plan that builds significantly from our program last spring and can serve our students under any circumstance.”

Atlantis began the 2020-2021 school year with a 1:1 student-to-technology ratio and was able to provide each student with a new device.

“Putting a new laptop or tablet in the hands of every student will allow us to seamlessly transition between remote, hybrid and in-person learning models throughout the school year as the pandemic dictates,” said Michael Lauro, associate executive director of Atlantis Charter School. “Providing one device for every student is critical to a robust remote learning plan.”

Atlantis began the new school year on September 8th in a largely remote capacity with in-person instruction for high-needs students. Administrators are monitoring local and state health data on a daily basis and are prepared to transition to a hybrid model, which provides in-person programming starting with our youngest students and adding grade levels in a phased approach as health data permits.

“We look forward to bringing all of our students and staff safely back into our classrooms,” Beatty said.

State education officials are trying to ensure students have access to the proper technology to strengthen instruction in the classroom and at home.

“Access to technology is critical for students and their education,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These technology grants are just one way in which we are working with districts to help them face the challenges associated with COVID-19 and keep kids focused on learning.”

Schools can use the funds to purchase computers, assistive technologies, and ensure sufficient internet access for students.  The grants can also be used to reimburse districts, like Atlantis, that have already spent funds on technology during the school closures that began in March.

Read More: Baker-Polito Administration Awards Nearly $33 Million in Remote Learning Technology Grants to Schools Across the Commonwealth