January 2025
Dear Atlantis Families,
It is hard to believe that the quarter will close on Friday, January 24th! Please make sure students are turning in all of their assignments and completing make up work (if they were absent). We have a number of students in our upper grades who have work to make up, either from before vacation or from the first couple of days in January. Please make sure this is completed. Students have one day to make up work for every day they were absent, up to 5 days. Thank you for your help with this!
Additionally, it has come to my attention that there has been an increase in speeding in our parking lot. While we understand that many people are in a rush in the morning, it is important that we follow the drop off procedures and drive slowly through the parking lot. All of the staff members that are outside supporting arrival and dismissal are following our school routines to ensure that your children are able to be picked up and dropped off safely. We ask that all parents and family members treat our school staff that are outside at arrival and dismissal respectfully. Our school staff are the ones on the front lines ensuring your child’s safety and we expect everyone in our school community to uphold the values of kindness, respect and patience with one another. If you are unhappy with the arrival or dismissal procedures, we encourage you to take one of our three buses. Please call the main office for more information!
You should have received information about Parent Teacher Conferences earlier this week. All families, Grade 1-6 are expected to attend, either virtually or in person. These conferences will be optional for Kindergarten (since they held conferences in the fall). Be on the lookout for the PTC letter that is coming!
Corrie Marchand
K-6 Lower School Principal
Upcoming Events/Important Dates:
- January 16th: Bwana Iguana (Grades K-2)
- January 24th: End of Quarter 2
- February 3rd: Charter School Advocacy Week Begins
Atlantis Charter School January Events and Holiday Updates

- Zone A is only for LS buses. Parents/Guardians are not able to pick up LS students in zone A. Please pull up to the appropriate zone for car pick ups.
- Please send in healthy snacks and breakfast. We want to encourage healthy habits!
- Do not send in metal water bottles. We ask for plastic only! Thank you!
- At the parks, please do not park in the loading/unloading areas. The buses need to be able to enter and exit the park safely. Thank you!
From the Dean of Students:
It’s January! Help your children start the year with a clean slate! Sit down as a family and create 2-3 goals together. Where are you now? Where have you been? And most importantly, how should our path look moving forward? Here is a roadmap to guide your goal creation: