Atlantis Charter Core Values
Atlantis Charter High School is UNITED
Unwavering We will persevere against all adversity
Noble We have honor and respect for all
Integrity We adhere to ACS values at all times
Trustworthy We are responsible and accountable for our actions
Excellence We always strive to do our best
Daring We dare ourselves to be great and powerful beyond measure
Through these values and beliefs, students develop both a sense of humanity and civil responsibility.
The Atlantis Charter High School faculty, administration, and most importantly, student body were integral in creating the school’s core values.
21st Century Learning Expectations
Atlantis Charter High School students are expected to:
- Speak effectively across the curriculum for different purposes.
- Read for comprehension and analyze arguments, opinions, and information.
- Effectively communicate through written means across the curriculum for different purposes.
- Apply problem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge to real world problems using data and logic.
- Utilize technology to conduct research, to support critical thinking, and to present information.
- Demonstrate responsibility to and involvement in their community.
- Demonstrate self-reliance and accept personal responsibility with integrity and ethics.